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6 €

Antibacterial and Hand Disinfectant Gel

100ml |  70% Ethyl Alcohol

It kills up to 99.99% bacteria. Gel cfor the removal of bacteria on the skin. When water, soap and towel are not available. Recommended for repeated useI'm sorry.


5.28 €

Antibacterial and Hand Disinfectant Gel
100ml |  70% Ethyl Alcohol

It kills up to 99.99% bacteria. Gel cfor the removal of bacteria on the skin. When water, soap and towel are not available. Recommended for repeated useI'm sorry.

15.29 €


15.29 €

Для Ожогов и раздражения
С Мастикой острова Хиос и натуральным алоэ вера

Этот гель помогает залечить раны и раздражения. Противовоспалительное действие алоэ действует как природный антисептик, а антибактериальные свойства мастики и ее целебные свойства реструктурируют и восстанавливают раздраженную кожу, избавляя даже от следов укусов насекомых.

9.8 €


9.8 €

Moisturizing Hand Cream with mastic and olive oil

With its intensive synthesis and mastic oil moisturizes and creates an invisible protection film for your hands, rich in herbal ingredients. At the same time, glycerin and olive oil soften the skin giving it a silky texture.


7.59 €

Limb Relaxation
With Chios Mastiha and organic aloe vera

A hand and foot cream that deeply hydrates and heals, creating an invisible protection film rich in herbal ingredients. The use of organic aloe soothes and moisturizes the skin by treating dry skin in all areas, while the mastic heals and regenerates the damage of the limbs.

11.99 €


11.99 €

Relaxing foot Cream
With Chios and chamomile Mastiha

Moisturizing and relaxing cream for tired feet and for their hard and dehydrated areas. The mastic oil provides an antibacterial shield, while chamomile moisturizes and calms the skin.


6.49 €

 Hand soap cleaner
with chios mastiha | 300ML

Our bodies are a magical chain. Very important links in this chain are the hands that are carriers of germs from all surfaces that we touch unconsciously daily, but also the mucous membranes of the face (eyes, nose and mouth). Moisturizing liquid hand soap to wash our hands thoroughly.

ALOE Уход Рук и Ног

7.59 €

Расслабление конечностей
с мастикой острова Хиос и алоэ вера

Крем для рук и ног, который глубоко увлажняет и лечит, создавая невидимую защитную пленку, богатую растительными ингредиентами. Использование органического алоэ успокаивает и увлажняет кожу, обрабатывая сухую кожу во всех областях, в то время как мастика лечит и восстанавливает повреждения конечностей.

16.5 €


16.5 €

Ointment for burns and irritation
With Chios Mastiha and olive oil

Ointment for burns and irritation that provides antibacterial protection. Protects, reconstructs and restores irritated skin. Mastic has been known since antiquity for its healing properties.

Антивозрастной крем алоэ

28 €

24-часовой крем против морщин
с мастикой острова хиос и алоэ

Алоэ борется со старением благодаря антиоксидантам, β-каротину, а также витаминам С и Е. В сочетании с антибактериальным и целебным действием мастики острова Хиос, они обеспечивают омоложение, эластичность и упругость кожи.

ALOE Отшелушивающий Крем для Лица

20.5 €

Пилинг для лица
С Мастикой острова Хиос и натуральным алоэ вера

Специально разработанная революционная формула для чувствительной кожи. Индуцированные вещества, а также миндальные орехи способствуют отшелушиванию кожи лица, не вызывая покраснений. Отшелушивающий крем тщательно очищает поры, не раздражая кожу. Эффективная иммунная система кожи, так как она богата витаминами С, Е, цинком и антиоксидантами.


45 €

24 hour nourishing and rebuilding cream with lakesis

Its action focuses on the mastic and Kaprylikwn triglycerides complex (lakesis), reacting the proteins klotho (youth protein) up to 29%. Clinical research has shown that it increases the antioxidant activity by 50% and the firmness of the skin up to 23%.  The high antifungal action of mastic in combination with amino acids create a pure recipe that nourishes and anazwgonoyn the skin. The organic horse chestnut extracts and Calendula moisturize and ' illuminate ' the skin while the mushroom extract has high sunscreen properties and stimulates cellular function reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dryness of the skin .

26.5 €


26.5 €

Moisturizing Glow Serum
With Chios Mastiha and olive oil

A serum that acts as a brightener. The rich synthesis of natural and active ingredients gives firming and moisturizing effects. The combination of mastic and olive oil gives the skin the necessary nourishment it needs to replenish its lost glow. Yakinthos softens and moisturizes the skin. The Liftessence herbal extract, rich in polysaccharides, achieves anti-aging skin and jojoba oil deeply hydrates. Squalene rebuilds the skin and helps maintain youthful and vigorous appearance.


35.5 €

Eye and lip Treatment
With Chios Mastiha and caviar Beluga

A powerful 24 hour moisturizing cream with mastic and caviar that is specially formulated for the eyes and the lip area to help target all signs of ageing. The combined action of vitamins A and E improve microcirculation, resulting in dark circles under the eyes retreating. The moisturizing properties of organic extracts offer extra deep hydration in the lip area.

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